Indiana Goldens
We’ve been providing quality family-ready English Cream and Red Golden Retriever puppies to Indianapolis and the surrounding area customers for 25 years! Below you will find a sampling of the many positive testimonials from our satisfied puppy families!
Indiana Goldens – Golden Retriever Breeder reviews and Testimonials!

In the clip above, “Teddy” and his best friend Mike B.

Kirkland ad starring one of our pups!

ust thought we’d send you a first Birthday update. Maddie is doing very well. Very happy and sweet dog. She is so spoiled and we love her to death.
Hi Jeri and Zane!
We bought our sweet Lucy from you a year ago today and I thought you might like to see a picture of her now. She’s an absolute doll. She has the sweetest personality, loves to snuggle, adores our other dog, and makes us smile every day. We could not possibly be any more in love with her. Thank you for such a wonderful addition to our family. Hope you are both doing well.
Aimee Carlson

Jeri and Zane!
I just wanted to reach out as I have been meaning to do so for some time to provide an update on Clare (she was Angel when we got her). She is over a year and half now (time flies) and has been nothing but sweet, obedient and caring since we brought her home. She was a joy to train and has been so much fun to watch grow. We also were fortunate enough to make another addition to our family this past December when we had our son, Thomas.
While we never had any worries about Clare being around Thomas (despite how excited she gets sometimes- still has that puppy energy! 🙂 ) She has far exceeded our high expectations of her as she has been a patient, calm and protective yet welcoming big sister. She always wants to know where he is and is very concerned when someone other than Mom or Dad has him. She seems to be very eager for him to be able to play as she always brings her toys to him when he is awake and readily gives kisses or lays down to snuggle whenever we hold him near her.
I wanted to pass along how great she has been for all of us to have- just an amazing dog that has truly made our little house into a home and loves when the “pack” is all together. You raise some wonderful dogs and thank you for giving us our Clare. We hope you are all doing well!
Behold Lucy Lou with her family!! Thought you would enjoy the photo, Jeri and Zane. We love our Lucy!!

OMG! We love this pup! Lucy goes everywhere with us. This pic is from yesterday in the stands at our grandson’s football game. She just wanted to snuggle… for 2 1/2 hours! We are smitten. It was meant to be..perfect pup for us!! Thank you, Jeri and Zane!!
Jeri & Zane,
Here are some pictures of Sugar. She is a wonderful dog! We are thrilled that she is part of our family. She has such a unique calm personality.
We’ve included a picture with Sugar with my daughter’s dog, Aspen. They have so much fun playing together.
And another showing Sugar zonked with our dog, Gemini!
She loves playing outside!
We LOVE Sugar. She is such a sweetheart!
Mike & Rona

I thought you might like an updated picture. Maddy is doing so well – healthy and happy!
This picture is of her watching the world series, she’s a Cubs fan. Just don’t try changing the channel, she whines until you turn it back.
Hello, Simon is doing well. Lacey is warming up to him now that he is bigger and of course he has to be wherever she is. He starts puppy training classes soon and has started to sleep all though the night without having to go outside (yeah!!). Thanks again
Hi from Violet!💜we are at the vet, Broadripple Animal Clinic, and 2 days ago another one of your females from the other litter had visited. Her name is Tillie. The vet has had wonderful remarks about both puppies. Just thought I would share.
Dexter a.k.a Mr. Brown and Cooper a.k.a Mr. Tan have made themselves at home:) they are very playful and very lazy lol! Today they took a nice walk to the dog park and they had a blast but now they’re pooped!!! I will continue to update you often and thank you so much for giving us the best little guys ever:)
Brady passed his AKC star puppy test! Next off leash and then he’ll start therapy dog training.
Thanks! We had a good first day and night with Sugar. After a little whining at night time she slept until I got up at 5:15a!
We wanted to say thank you for everything! Bronson is a perfect puppy and adjusting very well to his new home! Him and Tino are getting along great too! Again thank you so much!!
Charlie is sooo much fun….we love him to pieces!